Saturday, April 19, 2008



Thursday, April 10, 2008

今天才发现这玩意还挺有用的, 英文书信落款


Yours faithfully
Yours truly
Yours very truly
Yours respectfully
Very respectfully yours
Yours sincerely
Yours very sincerely
Yours cordially
Fraternally yours
Yours ever
Yours affectionately
Yours loving
With love from

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

One world, One Dream--奥运火炬接力伦敦站现场直击

2008年, 奥运会将要在北京举办, 国际上一小撮反华分子和分裂主义者开始蠢蠢欲动, 尤其是zd势力, 利用北京奥运的机会, 无耻的在国际上诋毁中国的声誉, 还在拉萨挑起事端. 国内的同学们可能不太容易体会到这一点, 但是国际上支持中国的声音和反华势力的斗争是非常严峻的!

鉴于此前在欧美各国发生的zd份子冲击中国大使馆的事件, 和英国警方发布的消息, 4月6号奥运圣火登陆下届奥运会(2012年奥运会)主办国英国, 在伦敦传递的过程中, 将有zd份子趁机破坏.

圣火降临英国之际, 英国各地的中国留学生, 各行各业的华人以及支持中国的国际友人开始向伦敦聚集. 誓与圣火共存亡!

Here we go

今天果然下雪了! 冒着雪我们赶到鸽子广场~


有反动的声音, 一把红伞勇敢的把它压下去! 注意看第一张图红伞下面的zd旗子

现场的表演, 距离太远了,小dc够不着




对抗! 保卫圣火和祖国的尊严!

这是我疯狂跟着火炬跑, 绕过被封锁的路段, 离火炬最近的时候拍下的珍贵照片~ 这是生活在伦敦某桥上的一次传递!

严密保护下的圣火, 斗争形势很严峻!!





Hello, I'm a Westerner too. Writing from Spain. I'm a fan of China, I love your beautiful country so much. I study Chinese and I'd like to live in China for some years. I comdemn these Tibetan TERRORISTS who are killing Han people. I hate terrorists, my country has suffered terrorism too. Blame those murderers!!! Big support!! I'm so sad because 99% of people in my homeland are totally brainwashed against China. If you love your country you have to do a big effort to show the truth to the whole mankind. Notice that in most Western TV channels all images about separatist violence are CENSORED, people don't know anything about this. The TV tell us that all killed demonstrators are Tibetans killed by the Chinese army. They sometimes say that mobs are doing bad things, but they pay so little attention to that fact that most people miss it. What everybody is keeping in mind is that Dalai rioters are peaceful people being oppressed by Chinese army. They also say that Tibet was invaded by Mao Zedong, as if it hadn't been a part of China ever before.They tell so many lies, you can't imagine. All the time! This is an international complot against China. In my opinion our governors are educating the masses to hate China, there isn't any other reason as far as I can imagine. They want all Westerns to believe that China is an evil empire, a giant version of North Korea. Deal with this, the West hates China. I'm sorry to say this, but that's the truth. Most people used to think that China is an amazing country with its old culture, etc. We are missing all that. Now we are being educated to think that China is only bad things. We NEVER, NEVER, NEVER watch good news from China. Only bad things, totally biased. Deal with it, and get used to this hate asap, because we can't stop it. I really think that the West is a threat for China, you better get used to that. The dream of the Western governments is seeing China totally destroyed, seeing Chinese economy fucked so that your country stay poor forever and the West can go on eating all the resources in earth. The West doesn't want to share wealth with 1300M Chinese, that's why our governments want to fuck China. PS: Please write in English. Chinese people know the truth already, no need to explain. Now you have to tell the truth to the rest of mankind, but nobody will learn anything if you write in your language.

PS :请你们用英文书写。中国人民都知道真相了,没有必要解释。现在是要向其他人说明真相,但如果用你们自己的语言,没人会明白的。


I agree with everything you said. The problem is that Spanish people don't have a real opinion about anything. They just sit in front of the TV and listen what they guy says, that's how they "learn" about the world. If the guy says that China has killed 1 million Tibetans, they'll believe it all. It is the same in most Western countries, but here it looks to be much worse. Western Democracy kills people's brain. We are supposed to live in absolute "freedom". So... why should we doubt about our system? Isn't it perfect freedom?? We are supposed to live in absolute "freedom of speech". So... why should we doubt about what we read/watch on our "free media"? Etc, etc. Democracy has become a religion, and everybody must trust the democratic system, the tv and the newspapers. If you don't... you hate freedom, lol. That's why it is so easy to make the whole society to hate China. Fortunately, a very few of us love something out of the West too much, so that we can see that everything is a huge lie. In my case, I love China. Reading a lot about China and talking to Chinese friends made me seeing my Western world with another perspective. I realized tha the West isn't better than China. The only difference is that we are economically developed. We are developed thanks to market economy, not thanks to democracy. Market economy makes countries rich, not democracy. After visiting China for study, I saw that people there has the same freedom as us. Maybe even more, as you can walk around at nights in China. In the West, you might be killed thanks to huge crime rates. Also, there is so few drugs in China. In the West, kills are offered all kind of drugs at school!! This is our Freedom!! In China you see so little violence on the TV. In the West, families (parents, kids, elders) enjoy their dinner while they watch terrible movies where people are raped, killed, etc with a lot of blood!! That's why Westerners love wars and violence so much, because we are educated to accept all violence as normal on the TV every day. After China becomes a developed country, many, many Westerners will move to China, you'll see... I'll move to China as soon as I finish my studies if I can. After some years, I'm starting to feel something special. China is not only as good as the Western democracy, it might be even better. China is growing fast, developing fast, you have so many problems, I know. China has many huge problems, yea. But almost every big problem in China is caused by undevelopment, right? When you become a rich country almost every serious problem will be solved, true?. Anyway, in almost every aspect China is far better than any "democratic" country with a similar level of development (India, Latin America,etc). I'm starting to believe that when China becomes a rich country it will be much better than the West in most aspects too. Listen to me, Chinese friends. Our "freedom" is a lie. In every Western country, most youngs take drugs and drink every weekend. Crime is huge. People don't have any hope in the future. We know we are rich thanks to what we stole to the rest of the world in the last century. We know that after 50 years we will be nothing because China and other countries are growing a lot. Our system doesn't work, it is a big lie, and nobody dares to speak and even to think about changing our beloved democracy. In Europe people don't have kids, we wil be a continent of elders by 2050. Many foreigners are coming from everywhere, otherwise our countries would collapse. There is a lot of racism growing everywhere. When muslims want to build a temple, there are violent riots. Some European countries (including mine) want to BAN muslim clothes so that muslum girls can't cover their hair. Is this freedom? In China nobody would ban this, never! Western freedom is a huge lie. Democracy is a huge lie. Just because we enclose a paper in a box once every 4 years we haven't more freedom than China. Please don't believe this, if China becomes a Western style democracy you'll kill China, you'll kill your country. Democracy looks like old Communism, when you read about it, it is wonderful, but in the real world it is shit. We don't have real freedom, we don't have anything, just propaganda. Just look at Taiwan province. In Taiwan they have Western democracy, now Taiwan is crazy, they have fights in the parliament like kids, they had a xenophobic president for years who banned immigrants from the Mainland and **ed the economy. And 3 million Taiwanese moved to the Mainland, which is poorer!!! Isn't this crazy??? People use to move to richer places, not reverse! That shows you what would happen if the whole China had Western democracy. Self destruction!!! I don't know how to explain the proportions of the Democracy myth. It is exactly like Communist Russia. It looks powerful from outside and inside, Russian people believed that their Communism was great too just until a few months before it collapsed. It is the same in the West. Everything is a big lie. And you know we are starting a huge economic crisis, while China keeps growing 10%! I don't know what will happen, I hope I can move to Shanghai soon. I'll tell you something about economic development. The West has a huge recent past about economic wealth, and no future. China is the opposite. This century is yours, not only because you are growing, but because we have no future. I only hope the Western governors dont try to sink China too so that the West doesn't sink alone.
翻译 :


原文 I am a westerner 你好!對不起,英文 I want to tell you all that not all Western people are ignorant. I am from the UK and I am appalled at the bias of the Western media. I expect it from FOX or Sky News but not from supposedly "impartial" news agencies like the BBC and CNN. ) [- O* N( F8 _, t Tibetans are murdering innocent Chinese people just because they live there, yet there are still pro-Tibet demonstrations in western cities. It seems that they are FOR murder? And then the Chinese police arrive and try to stop the riots, get rocks thrown at them, some badly injured or killed, and the Western media says it is a "brutal crackdown"?0 F0 ?& A" h1 j, |" ' E* E7 R- W me, what would happen if riots like this happened in the USA? Oh wait, it DID happen, the 1992 Los Angeles riots are one. AND the 1999 WTO riots in Seattle. And did the police come in riot gear and start shooting tear gas and rubber bullets? YES. And was this called a brutal crackdown? NO. We have a word for them: hypocrites. And they moan about human rights. Yet even now the people who are native to the American continent - Native Americans - are a minority. Their culture has been destroyed and they were herded like sheep into reservations. The USA invaded Iraq because God told George Bush to get more oil, and now look, millions of INNOCENT Iraqi people have been killed. Also the British Empire had millions of slaves and "colonised" (invaded) countries. U( s2 T. S" C; c2 G5 l- a: u What's funny is that there are people waving around Tibetan flags in London but they don't even know the whole story. They are ignorant, they think what they are doing is right but of course they don't know the truth of some Tibetan's disgusting actions because of the bias in the media.7 P8 U7 U! I# ]4 [; e+ y. D So I hope that Chinese people don't think all Westerners are ignorant or arrogant. Some of us actually have a brain to think, and eyes to see what is really happening.

翻译:我是一名西方人你好!對不起。我想告诉你们并非所有西方人都是不知情的。我来自英国,我对西方媒体所持的偏见深感震惊。我对事件的了解来自于FOX和SKY的新闻,而不是明显持有偏见的CNN和BBC的新闻报道。藏独份子(注:不是指藏族人民 译者注),仅仅因为汉人住在西藏就对其进行谋杀,但是西方却依旧支持这种行为,难道他们竟然是在支持谋杀吗?当警察试图在那里平息这场骚乱时,藏独份子用石头攻击警察,一些警察严重受伤甚至死亡。但西方媒体却说这是残酷的“镇压”。告诉我如果这场骚乱发生在美国会怎么样?哦,等等,这种事确实发生过。1992年的洛杉矶骚乱就是一例。还有在1999年在西雅图举行WTO时的骚乱。警察冲进骚乱的人群中发射催泪弹和橡胶子弹了吗?是的。但是这被叫做残酷的镇压了吗?没有。让我们给这些西方人一个称呼“伪君子”。他们成天呼吁“人权”,在美国有很多少数族裔,他们的文化已经被毁灭,他们如今像羊群一样卑微的活着;美国侵略伊拉克因为上帝告诉布什去弄更多的石油,现在看看,数百万无辜的伊拉克平民已经被杀害。还有英国,他们也有数百万奴隶和“被殖民”(被侵略)的国家。可笑的是,现在不知道事情全貌的人却在伦敦挥舞着西藏的“旗帜”。他们是无知的,他们认为他们所做是正确的,因为媒体偏见对他们掩盖了对事情的真相的了解。所以我希望你们(中国朋友),不要认为所有西方人都是傲慢无礼又无知的,我们也有会用脑子思考,用眼睛观察事实真相的人。